The ears are long and flat hanging down next to the head and the eyes are dark and almond formed inside alert expression. The classical show dog, the Toy Poodle has a spring like gait when moving and comes in any quantity of solid colours. The Toy Poodle is very perceptive and one of the simplest dogs to coach, though he could be a bit delicate and naturally you will be wanting to use positive drilling with this breed. They really like to be with folk and have a perky and pleasing character.
They must be socialised from a young age and can have a tendency to be excessive barkers if not trained correctly in this area. Toy poodles can suffer with runny eyes, ear contagions, hearing anomalies and skin conditions as well as issues with the digestive system. They can make great apartment dogs if they're trained not to be barkers. It's really important to keep the eyes clean and check the years and clean them often. Like most little dogs, they can have dental issues so that the teeth must be brushed continually and will need regular de-scaling. The name poodle can be followed back to the German Pudel which is short for Pudel that implies splashing dog. This breed was terribly handy in Germany because they were utilized for hunting and are good water retrievers. Usually a toy will live to seventeen years while a tiny will live about fourteen years and the standard poodle will go about eleven 0.5 years.
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